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Montclair, NJ 07042


CMS-NJ is an organization comprised of young professional musicians. Throughout the year, we will provide the community with chamber music concerts as well as partnering with public schools and other non-profits. Part of our educational outreach will be introduce and promote chamber music to students of all ages with various clinics, master classes, and recitals.

Current Artists

Jordan Fusco - Viola

Jordan Fusco - Viola

Liam Veuve - Cello

Liam Veuve - Cello

Marina Kifferstein - Violin

Marina Kifferstein - Violin

Giuseppe Fusco - Clarinet

Giuseppe Fusco - Clarinet

Paul Conrad - Piano

Paul Conrad - Piano

Luis Ortiz - Piano

Luis Ortiz - Piano

Violinist Lily Holgate is an active performer and freelancer living in New York City. She has performed with the NOVUS NY Orchestra of Trinity Wall Street, the Mimesis Ensemble and with Capital City Concerts in Montpelier, VT. Lily is a regular guest artist with CMS-NJ and is a founding member of the Puck Quartet, which will perform in May 2017 with the Rhinebeck Chamber Music Society. Lily received her Bachelor of Music from SUNY Purchase where she studied with Laurie Smukler and Carmit Zori.









Jordan Fusco is an active performer and teacher in the North Jersey area.  She holds a Bachelor's degree in violin from Montclair State University, along with her Artist Diploma in viola.  Mrs. Fusco recently obtained her Master's degree in viola performance from Mannes College under the tutelage of Paul Neubauer.  She has played in masterclasses for Michael Tree, Herbert Keffer, and Cynthia Phelps. In 2013, she was a member of the National Repertory Orchestra in Breckenridge, Colorado. 



Cellist Liam Veuve is an active performer and freelancer who has performed in a wide array of settings, including orchestral and chamber music in Carnegie Hall, a solo performance in Avery Fisher Hall, and concerts in Severance Hall in Cleveland.  Liam is a founding member of the Puck Quartet, and has recently appeared as a guest artist with CMS-NJ, the Manchester Music Festival, and the Canyonlands New Music Ensemble, among others.  He was selected as a fellow of the Louis Moreau Institute for New Music in 2015 and 2016. Liam is currently on cello faculty at United Nations International School, and holds degrees from New York University, the Cleveland Institute of Music, and SUNY Purchase.




Violinist Marina Kifferstein enjoys a varied, international career. She is a member of TAK, the Nouveau Classical Project, and the Rhythm Method, and is on faculty at the Washington Heights Community Conservatory. Marina holds a BA in English and a BM in violin from Oberlin, and an MM in contemporary performance from the Manhattan School of Music. 







Giuseppe Fusco is a freelance woodwind artist in the NYC area.  He is currently on adjunct faculty at New Jersey City University.  Giuseppe has been a substitute in multiple Broadway orchestras and a regular in the orchestras of Anything Goes (2011) and Honeymoon in Vegas (2015).  Giuseppe also performed for three consecutive years in the Radio City Christmas Spectacular orchestra.  He holds degrees from Rutgers University and New Jersey City University.







Paul Conrad received his Bachelor of Music in piano performance from Rutgers University's Mason Gross School of the Arts under the instruction of Paul Hoffmann, and is currently pursuing his Master's in collaborative piano with Barbara Gonzalez-Palmer.  Paul is organist and pianist at Middlebush Reformed Church, a staff pianist at Mason Gross, and the accompanist for several choirs in the area.




Pianist Luis F. Ortiz made his international debut with a 2010 recital in Miraflores, Peru. Winner of the Round Top International Festival Concerto Competition, the New England Philharmonic Young Artists Competition and others, Mr. Ortiz holds degrees from The Juilliard School, The Eastman School of Music, and the University of Rochester. He is currently on staff at The Juilliard School while performing frequently throughout New York City and the US.